We’re keen to make sure that Mathstodon is great for everyone.
Users violating the server's rules may have their accounts suspended and will not be welcome to take part any more.
If you are subject to or observe any harassment, or have any other concerns, please report the toot concerned or message a moderator. Reports will be dealt with discreetly and in confidence.
Please be aware of your surroundings and the effect your words and actions have on the people around you. We want everyone to have a great time, and treat each other with respect.
Mathstodon is operated by UK citizens and is subject to UK law, most notably the Online Safety Act and General Data Protection Regulation.
Server rules
- Don’t do anything that’s illegal in the UK or EU.
- Aggression and elitism are unwelcome here - it’s not a competition. Don’t assume you know better than the person you’re talking to.
- We want to be inclusive; do not engage in exclusionary behaviour or language against anyone based on their race, caste, gender (binary, assigned or otherwise), disability, mental health, sexual orientation, level of education or age.
- Don’t make exclusionary jokes. Don’t even make them “ironically”.
- Don’t harass people. Unconsented contact or sexual attention can constitute harassment, even if it wasn’t intended to cause upset. Dressing or acting in a certain way is not consent.
- All services on this site are intended for people who are at least 18 years old. If you are under the age of 18, do not use this site.
Handling Illegal Content
The moderation team treats illegal content with the utmost gravity. When made aware of the presence of illegal content, through Mastodon's reporting features, or third party app reporting features, or through our contact email address, admin@email.mathstodon.xyz, we will take this down at the earliest opportunity.
The mathstodon.xyz Mastodon instance does not use proactive technology to detect illegal content.
We include specific provisions for the following types of content.
Terrorism Content
The type of content defined under Online Safety Act 2023, Schedule 5 will be taken down immediately, and will result in immediate and permanent revocation of access to the service. Where possible, the offending account will also be reported to law enforcement.
CSEA Content
The type of content defined under Online Safety Act 2023, Schedule 6 will be taken down immediately, and will result in immediate and permanent revocation of access to the service. Where possible, the offending account will also be reported to law enforcement.
Priority Illegal Content
The type of content defined under Online Safety Act 2023, Schedule 7 will be taken down immediately, and will result in immediate and permanent revocation of access to the service. Where possible, the offending account will also be reported to law enforcement.
Complaints and Appeals
Complaints about content are best reported through Mastodon's reporting features, be that on the web site or through third party applications. This creates an audit trail.
To appeal moderation actions you may contact us at admin@email.mathstodon.xyz. The decision made by the moderators is final. It is a privilege to use this service, and not a right.
About this document
Portions of this document are based on the phpcommunity.social policies, reused and modified under the terms of the CC-BY-SA 4.0 International licence.